Friday 27 December 2013

Probation In The Dock?

The 107 -year-old Probation Service has been the envy of the world and its practices copied by many other countries.

Now it finds itself being dealt with harshly, unfairly and having been judged and sentenced to privatisation.

The Pedigree of Probation Trusts.


They are one of the highest performing services in the country.

Reoffending Rates have been reduced year on year.

The Staff of  Probation Trusts.


Probation Staff are trained to assess risk, spot signs that risk levels are increasing and Intervene.

They are worried for their jobs, like many other public service workers in the Health Service, Education, Criminal Justice and Fire Service.

The have served this country well over many years, and have now been gagged, judged and sentenced by the by the coalition forces to privatisation.

I have found while working with probation colleagues during this process is their determination to continue to protect the public and help turn around the lives of the offenders they are working with. Despite any misgivings they may have about the proposed changes, this resolve has remained steadfast.

The Sale of the Probation Trusts


The Government is planning to sell off 70% of the Probation Service to private companies.

It's a huge gamble with public safety within our communities.

 The Guardian  reported earlier this month, "Plans to put private companies such as G4S in charge of supervising tens of thousands of criminals on licence in the community have a "very high chance" of putting the public at greater risk and will result in a poorer service for victims of crime, according to an internal assessment presented to the Ministry of Justice.

It's also a huge gamble with money from the tax payers purse. 

The Telegraph reports today that Margaret Hodge, the chairwoman of the Public Accounts Committee says, “I can hardly think of a major project that has been successful in the last two years — whether it’s universal credit, HS2, or aircraft carriers". 

The Companies after the Probation Trusts.


People are becoming more aware that big companies are influencing the decisions of Government.

Private Companies will not even be required to use qualified staff.

I understand that Tony Benn once said "I wouldn't like to go to a dentist who told me he was not a dentist himself but that his father had been a very good dentist."

These companies will be working with violent offenders, sex offenders, burglars, gang members, and domestic violence perpetrators and they have not got the skills.

The Government Selling off Public Services

The Government plan to transfer Probation work to private companies who are interested only in profit.

This Government is not a fair representation of the people, they are very wealthy people, who are taking from those who have less, and giving to those who have more.

This Governments plans to privatise both the probation would suggest that soon almost all the crime business will be run on the basis of personal profit, along with Court Services and the Police.

Happen, it should be the Government that should be in the dock about it's policies of privatisation. Please sign this petition as the Probation Service has served this country well.

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