Tuesday 21 January 2014

Letter From MP Clive Betts

Dear David Hurst,

Thank you for your email regarding the offender rehabilitation bill.

I and my Labour party colleagues have previously attempted to amend this bill to ensure that the quality of the current probation service was not compromised by this radical and under-thought bill. Unfortunately we have been unsuccessful in either improving upon the bill or voting it down however; I can assure that we will continue to work against it through the rest of its parliamentary journey. The Bill unfortunately passed through third reading in the Commons on the 14th of January and is currently working through the Lords.

I share your fears that the changes put forward by the bill would result in severe damage to the probation service and a loss of vital expertise. As such these measures could result in both a failure to rehabilitate offenders with most potential and could put the public at risk.

I hope that this email has addressed some of your concerns.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this or any issue.

Yours Sincerely,

Clive Betts MP
Sheffield South East constituency

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